Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blogs I Love!

It's time to show a little love to my favorite music blogs! :D

In no particular order, and I'll just focus on a few... except my lovely affiliates are first! :P
  • Albums de MP3 doesn't seem to be working right now, but I hope it will be back up soon - there's a great selection of music to find there, with an emphasis on rock.
  • Frozenpoetry's Shadow Rockin' is just that - rockin'! Along with a cool name, the blog has a really great variety of musical styles to check out. From metal to trance to electronica, you will find something neat to listen to (and read!) at Frozenpoetry's blog. :)
  • One of the friendliest and hippest blogs around is Jennifer's Music Boutique! New music (check out the Boutique Leak for fresh new releases!) and old-school classics (Chaka Khan and Kate Bush have both been featured in only the last two days!!) get equal attention, and always with great commentary from Jennifer! :)
  • Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight... Luckystar Music has a fantastic mix of pop and dance to sample, a great 'Artist of the Month' feature (Kylie's the AOTM for October, so check out the blog to get your Kylie fix!), plus a nifty layout! :D
  • Speaking of pop, if you're a fan of fabulously trashy pop queens, you simply must visit Pop Trash Addicts. The commentary by blog owner Mike is priceless and reason enough to check it out, but there are also music downloads to listen to - what more could you want?!
  • Dirrty Blog, though written in Hebrew and thus impossible to read for a language-impaired fool like myself, is an excellent place to find good music from Israel (you can find Dana International's newest album there!) and elsewhere.
  • If you're itching for a nice mix of indie and pop/rock tunes, look no further than Musiteka. Lots of interesting albums from big names and lesser known bands to discover!
Check out the other cool blogs on the sidebar (look to your right!). The ones listed above are just the ones I visit daily - there are a lot more neat blogs to discover! :)

Cheery bye, Scarlett

Blogs I Love!

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