Thursday, January 17, 2008

On and on and on the beat goes...

On and on and on the beat goes...By now you've probably heard 'The Beat Goes On,' the recently leaked Pharrell-produced Madonna track. If you haven't, take a listen (to the higher quality version that surfaced soon after the initial leak). It's... well, it's kinda... weak. Actually, no, it's definitely weak. It pains me to say that about a Madonna song, but really now. The song's 'sound' is several years old, the lyrics are dull and uninspired, and it's just not very good.

A few reviews I've read of the song have said 'TBGO' sounds like it could have been a Bedtime Stories-era b-side. This makes me sad. I quite like Bedtime Stories, and its sole b-side, 'Let Down Your Guard,' is a fantastic little track. I can certainly hear why 'The Beat Goes On' is being compared to some of Bedtime Stories' hip-hop-lite tracks, but the difference between 'TBGO' and something from Bedtime Stories is that songs like 'Survival' and 'Human Nature' had heart. 'TBGO' feels empty and cold. The lyrics say nothing new or meaningful, and the production is stark and bland.

In addition to creating trends, Madonna is known for taking a trend and making it totally her own. With 'TBGO,' Madge is doing what almost every other female pop singer is doing right now. That's why this leak is so disappointing. There's nothing unique about it.

It's not a bad song, of course. The bridge ('Always a bridesmaid, never the bride') sounds cool and the chorus, while not great, is catchy. The 'Instrumentation' bit is the best part of the song. It's just that you expect more from Madonna. But, it is Madonna, and so I bet the upcoming album will be great. 'The Beat Goes On'? Well, there's always one album track that you skip. ;)

While we wait for more leaks to surface, here's a cool, unofficial dance remix that hints at how much better the song would sound with different production.

Cheery bye, Scarlett

On and on and on the beat goes...

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